Christmas Shopping

Saturday after everyone was up and dressed we decided to go Christmas shopping for the one of the little boys that our Sunday School class sponsored.  The child our family was buying for was a little boy just over a year old.  We decided to go to Kohl's since they have both clothes and toys.  I was worried that picking out toys for another child would really put Finn in a foul mood.  In an attempt to ward off any fits I sat Finn down and explained to him that we were buying a little boy that needs our help (crude summation).  I truly expected it to go in one ear and out the other.  However, Finn was the picture of giving.  I picked out the clothes and then we all went shopping for the toys.  Finn found a few things that he added to his Christmas list, but mostly helped us pick out toys for the "little boy" (as Finn called him).

When we got home Sam took a nap and Finn sat with me in the kitchen floor and helped me wrap the presents.  At first I put him in charge of the tape.  That was a disaster.  Then he took it upon himself to be in charge of the wrapping paper; again - a disaster.  I finally settled on letting Finn put the wrapped presents under the Christmas tree.  He was itching to help - he wanted to me involved so badly.  He did a great job putting the presents under the tree.  He did look at and play with each toy before I wrapped it.  The last thing that I wrapped was a Mickey Mouse book.   After a little while I noticed that I was sitting by myself.  I then heard Finn tromping down the stairs with some of his books. He brought them to me and said, "these are for the 'little boy' for Christmas."  He proceeded to put them under the tree with the other wrapped packages.  I was so proud of Finn for "getting it."

Later that evening Grandad and Gigi came to spend the night - they kept the boys while Michael and I went to a Christmas party. Even though Sam felt lousy he still managed to get into some mischief while we were away.


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