The Begley Christmas

We left Christmas at Nana and Papa's house at 9:00 on Christmas morning and went to Gran and Pa's house.  When we hit Murfreesboro, Finn informs us that he needs to go to the bathroom.  We stop at the Pilot off exit 81.  The bathrooms had the automatic flushes - Finn hates those things - they scare him to death.  The first time Finn shifted his body, the toilet flushed and Finn told me that he didn't have to go potty anymore.  He is so funny to watch.  His eyes get big as golf ball and he covers his head with his hands.  Despite the scary toilet we had a success stop.  We got to Gran and Pa's house as scheduled at 10:30.

This year Finn helped Uncle David hand out the presents.  He did such a great job - he got a little restless near the end and decided that the wanted to open his presents.  Finn sat with Michael and we were separated by a mountain of presents and a sea of paper.  I know that he had a great time - but I just didn't get to see it all.  I sat with Sam and helped him open his presents. 
 Finn and Sam both received some great clothes.  Finn got a "Bat-mobile", a "Scooby-Doo" van, a big "Grave Digger" Monster truck, a "Cars" memory game, a "Cars" Mack truck, a road rug, a big dinosaurs, sharks and alligators from David and Sharon, and a recording art book from James and Chelsea.  Sam racked up as well.  He got a cars play set, a Mickey Mouse rider, I know that I have failed to mention some of the boys gifts.

Sam's favorite gift


After we opened presents Gran served a great breakfast.  Finn ate a few biscuits and excused himself to play with his big trucks.  After breakfast Michael and I made a quick trip home to upload the car.  We are so blessed to have so many people that love our boys so much.  We couldn't even take all the boys' presents home from Gran's house because we filled to the brim with gifts from my family.

When we got back to Gran and Pa's we found Sam, Pa and Finn napping next to the tree.
Later that even we went to Clarksville to Mimi's house for her Christmas.   Uncle Charlie and Aunt Donna brought a platter of two dozen cookies for each family.  Finn was mesmerized.

The boys had a good time.  Finn wrestled with Uncle David, Sam danced with Aunt Sharon and they opened presents.  Sam got a teddy bear - the proceeds of which went to St. Judes and jammies.  Finn got a tractor trailer truck and a horse trailer complete with horses.  He also got a pair of jammies that matched Sam. 

This is a picture of Sam bouncing on the dog bed.  This was the most fun I have ever seen him have.
Finn and Aunt Chelsea playing with Finn's phone.

We left around 9:00.  The weather was awful - it was so cold and so rainy.  The boys slept all the way home.


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