Finn has Figured Me Out

On Sunday Finn had to go to a new Sunday School class. Since it was a holiday weekend there were several Sunday School classes closed.  I acted really excited about the new class so that Finn would be excited too.  I was so proud of him when he walked straight into the unfamiliar room.  He has come so far.

Sam came with me to Sunday School.  Dr. Thompson told us not to take him to the nursery  this week.  Since we just finished a long study we had a class social.  This worked out great - Sam wasn't a huge distraction.  Unfortunately I forgot to bring a diaper and wipes.  So when Sam had a rather loud bowel movement in class I had to go searching for a diaper.  I am such a lousy mom.

After Sunday School we came home and the boys had a nap.  After they woke up I started cleaning up the house.  Every time I clean up Finn will ask one of two things:  1) Is Nana coming? or 2) Is Grandad coming?  Clearly Finn thinks that I only clean the house when one of my family members is coming to visit.   As it happens, I was cleaning up because Gran and Pa were coming.  Maybe Finn really has figured me out :)

Around dinner time Gran, Pa, David and James came over for dinner.  First Finn and Sam opened their presents from Pa.  Finn got a dart board, a big Mickey ball and paddle board game.  Sam got a big infant flower.  Finn was really excited to get to hang out with Pa.

Finn also spent some time watching Cars with Uncle David while Pa and Sam hung out in the floor.  Dinner was great - Michael grilled fillets and Gran made asparagus and sweet potatoes.  We ate at the new patio table and overall had a great time.

After dinner I spent some time preparing for our Memorial Day party and Michael went to see Men in Black III with his family.


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