My Week As A Single Parent

Last week was a first of its kind - Michael was out of town from Sunday night to Friday afternoon.  I don't mind saying that I dreaded it pretty badly.  But thankfully, it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.  The reason that I didn't blog had nothing to do with the time constraints of being a "single parent" but instead because Michael took the laptop.  Plus I didn't want to broadcast that I was home alone and defenseless all week.  So I will be posting a few pictures from the week in an attempt to catch up.

On Monday Finn made me a batch of cookies.  Yes, they are made of Play-Doh.  I was very impressed with his level of detail and his presentation.  Looks like somebody has been taking notes in the kitchen.

On Tuesday Sam rolled over for the first time.  When I went to pick up the boys from Victoria's house Victoria told me that Sam made it all the way over. 

On Wednesday we met Daddy at Jim-N-Nick's for barbeque and "cupcakes" as Finn calls them.  (They really are the world's best muffins). 

I don't have a bloody clue about what happened on Thursday.

On Friday I walked into the den to find the boys hanging out.

Sam spent much of the week with a chapped nose.

Finn spent much of the week playing outside.  While I was working in the kitchen Finn played on the patio.  Maybe I such say he played in the dirt.  He had a ball driving his monster trucks through the dirt.  On Friday afternoon I looked out the window to see three children on the patio.  When it was time for them to leave Finn got up to follow.  I told him that he had to stay on the patio.  Finn responded, "I have to go with my friends." 

On Saturday, the boys and I met Gran and went yard selling.  We found a great swing and Finn found a monster truck, a Cars book, and a Lion King book.  Finn had a good time at the "outdoor store."  The little boy that we bought the toys from explained to Finn how each toy worked. 

On the way home from Gran's house I saw a turtle on the side of the road.  I stopped, picked it up and brought it home for Finn to examine.  Finn was not as excited about the turtle as I was.  He thought the turtle was scary and dirty.  Despite his uneasiness around the turtle, Finn wanted the turtle.  If he went outside the turtle had to go.  If he went in the den, he would ask me to take the turtle.  Unfortunately Michael decided that Finn didn't need a turtle as a pet and set him free down at the creek while we were in Manchester.


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