
On Friday the "worker men" as Finn calls them came to stain our patio.  It looks so nice.  To celebrate Michael putting the grill together correctly and the patio being finished we decided to have a small cookout. 

When Michael got home from work we all went to the store to pick out the meat.  We bought brats and some pre-patted out burgers (bacon w/cheddar, black and blue, and mushroom).  Once home Michael fired up the grill and James, Chelsea, Finn, Sam, Michael and I sat outside until the food was ready. Michael did a great job cooking the burgers.  I was so excited - I have wanted a grill since we moved in and it was great smelling the burgers cook.

Later than night Brandon, Carissa, Addison, and Ella came by.  Addison and Brandon hit baseballs in the back yard for a while.  When it got dark Finn and Addison took Finn's cars out back and played together on the patio.  It is really the first time that Finn has played with Addison.  Usually he will play for a few minutes and then come find me.  On this occasion Finn and Addison played together for about an hour.  Then they came in and watched RIO. 

I think it is going to be a good summer.


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