Some Firsts

Well, last week was a first for me - the first time I missed a doctor's appointment.  I have been to every appointment for both Finn and Sam until last Thursday.  I was scheduled to be in an all day trial and could not make it. Instead, Michael took Sam for his four month appointment.   At this appointment Sam weighed in at 17 lbs, 10 oz. and was 26 inches long.  I also learned by way of text message that Sam handled his shots really well.  (I was happy to get the text message - but heartbroken that wasn't there).

Today was a first for Sam - his first cold; or at least I hope it is only a cold.  He has a chesty, rattly cough and a runny nose.  He woke up at 3:30 coughing, but went back to sleep fairly quickly after a little rocking.  He sounded so awful when I got him out of bed at 6:30 that I decided to keep him with me today.  He was so sweet.  He had the worst sounding little cough all day, but smiled right through it, literally.  The instant his coughing subsided, he grinned from ear to ear.  He really is a remarkably happy child.  I was so happy to have him home with me for the day.  I worked mainly on the computer or in the floor so he was able to stay with me the entire time - well except for his 4 hour nap.  His napping blows my mind.  Finn only slept for an hour tops during nap time.

On Monday, our family got our first patio set.  Gran gave it us as an anniversary gift.  It is exactly what I wanted, a seven piece wrought iron, set with chairs that rock.  We all met Gran, Chelsea and James at Firehouse for dinner before going to the Home Depot to pick out the furniture. We are so thankful for the furniture!. In the parking lot Finn got really excited about something and had a hard time completing a sentence.  Finally I said, "spit it out Finn."  To which he immediately stopped talking and spit. 

After we got home James and Michael worked out while Chelsea helped me unwrap the chairs.  Gran gave Sam a bottle and Finn attempted to do pullup on the power tower.

On that same topic (patio furniture) we had our first family dinner on the patio tonight.


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