A New Appreciation

Sunday Morning Grandad arrived nice and early to pick up Finn for the night.  Finn was distraught when he found that Sam was going to Grandad's house too.  We were only kidding with him, but he let me know real quick that Sam was too little to go.   With Finn happily on his way to Tullahoma we packed Sam in the car and headed to church.

After church we stopped at the Sear's outlet to look at the patio furniture.  Sam was a little fussy but generally did okay.  When we put him back in the car the bottom fell out.  He cried for a solid two and half hours.  I couldn't console him at all.  I think he is teething (at least I hope he is).  He is drooling and chewing on his hands like I chew on pens, a.k.a. constantly. I gave him some Tylenol but it didn't kick in for almost an hour.  Finally, I was able to rock him to sleep.  He slept for a couple of hours and woke up in a glorious mood.  I have a new appreciation for mother's whose children are colicky.

At 5:00 Michael left to go to Montgomery Bell State Park. Since both Finn and Michael were out of the house I decided not to swaddle Sam.  I expected to be up several times in the night putting Sam back to sleep, but he only woke up once.  I put his pacifier in his mouth and he went right back to sleep.  I hope that weaning him off of the swaddler will to continue to be this easy.

Meanwhile, in Tullahoma, Finn rode the jet-ski for the first time.  I was told that he loved it and kept asking Gradad to go faster.

 Completely tuckered out after a day on the lake.

 I was also told that Finn loves to play dinosaurs.


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