Memorial Day - Three Little Boys - No Naps

On Monday we hosted our inaugural Memorial Day Extravaganza.  Nana, Pa, Em, Zac and the boys arrived at the house around 11:30.  At 11:25 I learned that our community pool would be closed due to the fact that it had been vandalized the night before.  So, our main event has been cancelled.  We did improvise though - we pulled out Finn's little swimming pool and Finn, Cooper and Hank swam.  

While the boys were playing Mom and I cranked the ice cream while Michael patted out the burgers.  This was Michael's first time to pat out hamburgers and had gone to great lengths to find and print directions for the perfect burger.  I couldn't help but laugh when Michael raised the lid to the grill and showed me the finished product - a huge mound of crumbly burgers.  Much to Michael's dismay he couldn't keep the burgers together for very long.  So we had burger balls instead.  To his credit, they were delicious.  We also had hotdogs and grilled chicken to fill the gap. 

During the time that Michael was grilling I took the water balloons outside and attempted to bust one on Finn.  I threw it at his belly fairly hard - it bounced right off.  He looked at me with this really confused look on his face - I felt bad, but it was pretty funny.   In addition to water balloons Finn was also exposed to silly string and poppers thanks to Nana and Papa. 

After lunch I learned that the pool had reopened so we took all the boys for a swim.  This meant that Sam was able to to wear his trunks for the first time.  He looked so cute.

Cooper and Hank loved the slide.  They were so cute going down.  Finn didn't like it as much as I had hoped.  He preferred to play in the water away from the play area.  He did play in the deep end in hew new water wings.

When we got home Finn asked to watch "Ice Age - with the Dinosaurs."  I accidentally put in the 3D version so  we pulled out the 3D glasses and had a grand ol' time.  

After a long day of fun in the sun, Cheetos and triple threat dessert, and no nap,  Finn threw in the towel.  This is how I found him.


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