
I have finally found a reason why Finn's obsession with dinosaurs may not be healthy - at least for Sam. I dropped Finn and Sam off at JT's on Tuesday.  When I turned to put the diaper bag up I heard Sam scream bloody murder.  I looked down to see that Finn is biting Sam's toe.  I grabbed Finn and we went to timeout.  I asked Finn why he bit Sam.  He told, "dinosaurs bite."  Great . . . we had a discussion about how Finn is a boy and not a dinosaur and as such cannot and must not bite other people.  Sam had major teeth indentions on his big toe.

That night when we got home, Michael and I played outside with the boys and then we gave them a bath.  They are finally old enough to take baths together.  Fair warning - these pictures are not very good.  Neither boy was even remotely cooperative.


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