The Inflatables Attend the Broyles Reunion

Sunday was the annual Broyles reunion on the mountain. The boys and I left after Sunday School and made the long trip to Sparta.  Finn refused to take a nap in the car.   I assumed that he would be a beast when at the picnic due to sheer exhaustion - but he seemed to have a great time. 

The Group Shot.

Before leaving for Sparta Finn grabbed his James backpack and filled with toys.  He packed his dinosaur train toys and his inflatable dinosaurs that Nana gave him for his birthday.  Those dinosaurs never left Finn's side. Note the number of times that the dinosaur appear in the pictures.

I love this picture of Finn - he looks so skeptical. 

Playing horseshoes with Papa and the dinosaurs. 

Finn and Papa played many, many, many games of horseshoes. 

Next Finn and Cooper climbed trees.  Do you see how high up in the tree Finn managed to climb. Not too impressive.  However, it didn't stop Finn from crying when I wouldn't help him down. 

Believe me when I say it is nothing short of a miracle that we got this shot. 

Its really hard to get the boys to all look and smile at the same time.  I settled for this one.

This picture was a production all in itself. First, Finn wanted his dinosaur in the shot.  Then mom noticed that Greg had his sun glasses on. Then the boys wouldn't sit still.  It was pretty funny to watch.

 Mom, despite my best efforts I couldn't resist. 

Right before we left Rex asked Finn if he wanted to race.  Here they are in the "blocks" waiting to go. 

 Rex is quite a bit faster than Finn.  But he may be the kindest child I have ever met.  When he saw that he was so far ahead of Finn he fell down so that Finn could win. 

 Instead of running to victory, Finn followed suit and fell down too.  They were so funny.


  1. You need to work on controlling your "best efforts" when it involves horrible pictures of your mother!


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