Giving Up the Ghost


This morning was my morning to take the boys to JT's house.  On the way there Finn asked if I would turn on his vidoes (or "bidoes").  They aren't actually videos.  Instead, it is such the songs that I have downloaded for him onto my IPod. I told Finn that I couldn't turn them on because I left the IPod at home.  Finn proceeded to get very whiny.  When he had asked about the 15th time why I left his videos at home I responded, "because I am a terrible mother."  Through the rear view mirror I could see Finn furrow his brow.  Then he said, "you're a good mother, mom."  If I had only remembered to bring his music, I would've let him listen to whatever he wanted. 

Today both boys had hair cuts.  Finn got a professional haircut.  Sam's hair was cut by a professional, but not a professional hair stylist; meaning, I cut his hair - and boy did I butcher it. Poor little boy doesn't have anything left on the sides. 

Sam has a new favorite food - Banana flavored rice rusks.  He loves these things.  I actually saw him lung for a crumb that he dropped on the carpet.  He also ate baby corn for the first time.  I have to retract my statement that green beans are his favorite - corn is the clear winner. 

In potty training news, Finn has a bad habit of soaking through his pull-up at night while he is asleep which causes him to wake up.  This also causes us to have to wash his sheets every night.  Today I bought home "Good Nights."  Even though they look like pull-ups they are supposed to be more absorbent.  Finn looks so funny them because they come up so high on his waist.  

Before bed tonight Gran came over to bring the boys a few new outfit.  She also spent some time playing dinosaurs in the floor with Finn.  Sam decided that he wanted to join in as well but quickly tired.   Sam crawled over to a pillow laying on the floor and plopped down face first.   He was trying so hard to stay awake but his little eyes were so heavy.


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