Jesus is God's Son

This weekend Sam caught a cold.  He has been snotty and moody for the last 48 hours.  I have been using the suction bulb to clean out his nose.  He HATES it.  I LOVE it.  I like to see how much snot I can procure from his tiny nostrils. It is unbelievable.  No joke, I bet I got an entire ounce.

Yesterday (Saturday) was mostly a home day.  We really didn't do that much.  We played outside, napped, cleaned and generally tried to keep Sam happy in spite of his cold.  We had a late dinner and then put the boys to bed around 8:30.

The next morning Sam wasn't feeling any better so Michael made the executive decision to keep him home from church.  Sam was sound asleep within 10 minutes of Michael and Finn leaving for church. I decided to put him in his crib and then I prepared a GAL report.

When Finn got home he was so excited to show him his artwork and tell me what he learned in Sunday School.  He ran in and recited, "Jesus is God's Son." It was so precious.  I then bribed him with the last piece of his birthday cake so that he would say it on video.

Sam has generally felt bad all day.  He has followed the same pattern all day: sleep, smile and play for 20 minutes, fuss for an hour, eat and then fall asleep again.  Today Sam ate an entire package of regular people oatmeal (not baby oatmeal).  He completely inhaled it.

At 2:00 I had to leave the house for "home visit."  When I left Finn was sound asleep and Michael was doing his best to console a crying Sam.  When I got home an hour later Finn was still asleep and Michael and Sam were chillin' on the couch watching the Titans' game.

A little while later Lauren came over to show us her new car.  It is awesome!  Finn and I took a stroll around the neighborhood with the top down.


  1. I'm proud of you Finn! I was hoping your Mama had posted the video.


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