My Little Chef

On Thursday Finn and I cooked dinner together.  Finn loves to cook.  He either pull a chair or his little stood up to the counter and ask how he can help.  I love to cook with Finn.  No matter what I am making I can find a way to include him.  On this night we decided to make spaghetti.  Finn salted the meat, poured the sauce into the pan and then stirred the peas.  He get so excited when we cook.  He stands there so politely and waits for me to give him a task.  He completes his task so carefully.  He thanked me after every thing I let him do.

After making the spaghetti we started on the homemade ice cream.  This was so exciting for Finn; first because he loves to crack eggs and second because he loves ice cream.  I let Finn pour in the sugar and cream and then I let him stir everything together.  He is actually a pretty good helper.  I hope this is a preview of what Finn will be like as a teenager. 

Sam had is own kind of fun - eating.  Sam is beginning to display his temperamental side. In order to keep him happy while we ate we gave him real peas.  At first he grabbed a handful and squished them in his hands.  Once he finally got one in his mouth it was on!  He ate, and ate, and ate.

 . . . and ate.

 Here we have Finn enjoying the spaghetti he helped to make.

After dinner while I was cleaning the kitchen,  Finn and Sam sat in the floor and emptied my cabinets.  Finn told me that he needed to get his "cooking stuff." I love to see them play together.

Before bed we let Finn have a small bowl of his ice cream. 


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