
On Sunday morning Finn woke up around 8:00.  I would have been much more impressed if he hadn't gone to sleep after 2:00 a.m.  He was pretty hungry so I went down to the lobby to get him some breakfast.  After eating a miniature danish and drinking a carton of milk we started getting ready for a big day at Dollywood!

 While the rest of us got ready to go Finn and Pa played with Finn's new dinosaur cards.
Before going to Dollywood we made a quick stop to Firehouse to eat lunch.  This particular Firehouse had a real firetruck inside.  Finn was so excited.  Sam was exhausted.

Next we made our way to Dollywood.  When we got there we parked in section "F" which was about a mile and a half from the gate.  We decided to take the trolley.

Once at the gate we unloaded the boys and put them in the double stroller.  Much to my delight, they both liked sitting in the stroller.

After taking the "must have" touristy shot, we headed for the first ride - the cars ride.  These are a few pictures of Finn waiting in line.  

Michael and Finn rode the cars ride together.  Finn sat in the driver's seat while Michael rode shotgun.  Sam and I caught the next car while Gran and Pa brought up the rear. 

Next we went to see the main attraction - the Dollywood Train.

We learned that we had just missed the train so instead of waiting there for 45 minutes we decided to walk over the carousel.  Finn rode the carousel all by himself.   I didn't hold onto him at all. Instead I rode next to him and pretended not to panic.

 Sam rode with Gran and Pa.

Next we boarded the train.  Finn listened and did most everything the conductor instructed us to do.

Halfway through the ride Finn fell asleep.  When the ride was over we put Finn and Sam into the stroller and they both napped.

While the boys napped, Michael and I rode some adult rides.  When we caught back up with the boys Finn was eating vanilla dip-n-dots.  Then it started raining, well, pouring actually.  To try to keep the boys as dry as possible we would run from one over hang to the next. Finally it let down enough to allow us to get to the car.  It was a little after 5:00 when we left.  The park officially closes at 7:00, but we felt certain that the rides were closed for the evening.

For supper we went to Mellow Mushroom where we got free food because it took so long to get our meal!  We ended up asking for everything to go and we ate in our room.  Next Michael and I walked over to Marble Slab for some late night ice cream.  When we got back it was time for bed.  Sam was sound asleep on his pallet next to the bed. Finn laid awake next to me for a while and played "pirate." He covered my eye with a stuffed animal and asked me to say "arrhhh."

Despite the rain, Day 2 was a great day!


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