Goin' Down to the Creek

On Saturday while Michael was working out over at Brandon's, I decided to take the boys on a walk on the greenway. The greenway backs up to the west end of our subdivision and follows Station Camp Creek. It is a wonderful little walking trail where I do my weekly running, and it is just a short walk from our front door. Well on this particular day I put both of the boys in the stroller and away we went. When he got to the trailhead I ditched the stroller and we started on foot. Finn demanded that "Rod Torque" come along as he had just rediscovered him folded up in the stroller that we haven't used since early September.

As we were walking Finn immediately was drawn to the big rocks next to the creek bed. He tried his best to throw them in but he wasn't close enough. I decided to get just a bit closer. The creek was pretty low so I wasn't too worried about the current. ( When the water gets high the current moves very fast and I could easily see someone getting swept away). Now Finn was close enough to throw rocks in this water. I had to discourage him several times from getting into the creek. Maybe we can get our feet in this summer - that is if we can avoid the copperheads. While I have never seen one personally, I have heard that the creek is crawling with snakes.

We continued to walk down the trail and stop at other places along the creek bed. After Finn was sufficiently tired from running (I let him run ahead of me for a while) and throwing, we made our way back to the stroller. As we reached the trailhead Finn discovered that Rod Torque was missing - even though I specifically told him to put Rod in his hoodie pocket. I asked Finn why he took Rod out of his pocket and he told me that since he hadn't seen Rod in a while he "missed him" and wanted to hold him the whole time. So we went back to look for Rod. I felt pretty certain that Finn had chucked him in the creek with the rocks, but knew that Finn would never let well enough alone if I didn't at least give it a solid effort. Halfway down the trail we saw Rod lying on the side of the trail.

When we got back to the house it was closing in on 5:00. Finn had a movie night planned with Gran so Michael took Finn over to Gran's house while Sam got a bath. That night Michael and I finished watching Zero Dark Thirty while Sam crawled around the playroom floor. He made the biggest mess with saltine crackers.

On Sunday we all went to church. When we picked Finn up from Sunday School we were told that Finn got choked on Goldfish. He was fine, but I guess they felt compelled to tell us just in case Finn brought it up casually in conversation. Finn told us that he almost threw up and that he was trying hard to breathe. Otherwise, he didn't mention it again. The rest of the day was very relaxing. Sam took a long nap and Finn played with my IPod while I read. That evening Sam and I went to the store and then I made lasagna for supper. After the boys were bed Michael and I ate and watched the "Woman in Black" which was really quite spooky.

Sam saying "all done" or as Sam says "ah dah."


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