What Do Harmonicas, Pancakes, and Waffle Cones Have In Common?

Nana!  Today Nana came to Hendersonville to celebrate Valentine's Day with the boys.  She arrived around 12:00 and brought gifts.  I got some "thin mints" for my homemade ice cream.  Sam got all sorts of fun kid snacks. Finn got things to play "school" with, pixie sticks, chocolate candy and a harmonica. 

Finn blew it for a few minutes and then Nana took a turn.  Nana discovered that this harmonica wasn't easy to use so she decided to get a real harmonica.  Next it was time for lunch.  Nana asked Finn what he wanted to go.  He went back and forth from Firehouse to McDonalds several times.  We were pretty hungry so we decided to let Finn mull it over in the car.  While we were driving Nana asked where we could by a harmonica - I mentioned Cracker Barrel.  When Finn heard Cracker Barrel he knew for certain what he wanted for lunch.  

When we got to Cracker Barrel we put our name on the list and went in search of a harmonica.  I found one in the toy section.  I also found a toy retractable dagger.  Finn was "in love."  Nana bought both the harmonica and the dagger and then we sat down for lunch.  After ordering Finn decided to "beast" Nana.  Nana was a good sport. 

He got the hang of it pretty quickly. 

As expected Finn ate pancakes for lunch and drank two cartons of chocolate milk.  Sam ate two eggs, a pancake, a piece of sausage, Ritz crackers and most shocking, all of Nana's tomatoes.  I gave him the tomatoes hoping for a funny reaction.  He was confused at first, but decided pretty quickly that tomatoes are awesome. 

He washed everything down with half a cup of my coffee (fed it to him straw full at a time). Sam proved to be pretty popular at the Cracker Barrel.  Several people came over to talk to Sam.  He was in a really good mood; he waved, and smiled and generally engaged with everyone.  We had the sweetest elderly couple behind us that kept waiving to both boys.   It was a really fun meal; but between mom playing "Oh Susanna" on the harmonica, the murder at the dinner table, and Sam guzzling down coffee, I'm sure the staff was relieved to see us go.  

For dessert Finn told Nana that he wanted ice cream so we went over to Marble Slab.  The "Streets of Indian Lake" was packed so couldn't park in front of the shoppe.  It was a chilly day out so mom insisted that she drop us off at the door.  I refused and we decided to brave the cold. 

Once inside we put Sam in a high chair and let Finn order some ice cream.  He saw two little girls behind him holding chocolate covered/sprinkled waffle cones.  Finn point and said, "I want one of those."  While standing at the counter Finn saw some ice cream that had spilled on the stainless steel counter in front of him.  He showed it to me and without hesitation leaned down and sucked it right up.   Sam watched excitedly as the whole event unfolded.

 Sam's excited face.

Finn and Sam both ate ice cream.  Finn had vanilla with gummy bears, of course.

Sam had a cup of chocolate ice cream. 

After Sam finished his ice cream he decided to get up and walk around.  Finn, not to be left out followed behind with his cone in hand.  Finn, Sam and Nana all ended up at the window and watched a few snow flakes fall.  And it was literally a few - I think it snowed for two minutes.

Next we went to GiGi's Cupcakes.  All day I have subliminally and "not so subliminally" suggesting to Finn that he would rather have a cupcake than ice cream; he was not cooperative.  I really wanted a cupcake, so Nana took us GiGi's were we got a "wedding cake" cupcake and a "cream cheese frosting" cupcake.  

Next we went home to tell daddy all about our great Valentine's Day. Before Nana left for Manchester she got to see Sam take a few few real steps.  Thank you Nana for a wonderful time.  


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