The Gnashing of Teeth

Today Finn and Sam both went to the dentist for the first time.  I know, Finn is closing in on three and half years old and never been to the dentist - I have never claimed to be "mother of the year."   My children are lucky to leave the house with their hair combed.  Anyway, I have been dreading this for about a year (it took me about that long to schedule Finn an appointment). I work in child welfare law and so many of the children that come into state's custody have a mouth full of cavities.  I was terrified that I would be one of those neglectful parents.

I was also dreading Finn's reaction.  Well adjusted as he is, (NOT) I figured that this would be really rough on Finn.  We have been talking it up for a few days.  This morning Finn and I laid on my bed and practiced laying on our backs and opening our mouths. 

When we got to the office I had a ream of paperwork to fill out.  Sam emptied my wallet and then explored.  Finn read.

You know your at the Dentist's office when you see "Highlights."
Right before we "got in the chair" the boys had their pictures taken for their charts. 
Next it was time for the exam.  Finn went first. 

He hopped right up in to the chair and sat quietly.  They gave him the "spit bib" and some sunglasses so the light wouldn't hurt his eyes.  

He did exactly what we practiced at home.  He laid straight back and opened his mouth as wide as possible.  Here we have a picture of Dr. Templeton looking at Finn's teeth.  Finn did great during this part. I was feeling pretty good at this point.

Then she pulled out the electric toothbrush and it was all over.  Finn "lost it."  He screamed and kicked and yelled "mama!"  He never calls me "mama" - must have been in a good deal of distress.  You can't tell from the pictures, but Finn was trying his best to scramble free.  It took both me and the hygienist to hold Finn down.  I don't think I was much help because I had Sam in one arm and I was laughing so hard at Finn that I could barely hold his legs.
The floss wasn't as bad, but Finn was already in such a foul mood that he screamed through that too.  Luckily the recovery time was too bad. Once he got out the chair he was fine.  And no cavities, thank you very much.

Next it was Sam's turn.  I put Sam in the seat with his "bunny" (a.k.a. "Mini Trash.").  Sam loves "Mini Trash.  He holds him and hugs him and buries his face in his ears.  Finn was a little nervous at first so Finn sat down next to me and talked Sam through the process.  Finn told him "it's gonna be okay buddy."  Finn is such a goober - practice what you preach Finn.

Sam liked the hygienist.  

Sam wouldn't keep his glasses on.

Next they lowered him down.  He too did well laying on his back. 

But just like Finn, Sam hated his exam. He didn't get a cleaning (too young), but he has eight healthy teeth and a molar coming in.  Sam has no cavities either :)
On the way out both Sam and Finn got a certificate with their picture on it to commemorate their first trip to the dentist.  Heaven help us if we ever go back. 

 "I look awesome mom."  Exact quote from Finn after putting on his new T-Rex shirt.


  1. Erin, you always make me laugh, I loved your dentist appointment!!!!

  2. How hilarious! and precious too!

  3. What the problem with the way Finn acted???? I do that everytime I go too!


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