My Week with the Boys

I am trying so hard to figure out what to blog about, but all I can concentrate on is the Super Why episode blaring in the background, just a little side note :) Overall the week has been pretty good. On Sunday Sam and I went to Evan's first birthday party. Sam explored the entire house and ate two pieces of cake. He was so happy and well behaved. Later than evening we went to John and Victoria's for the Super Bowl. Finn and Sam were impossible - Finn cried on at least three occasions and Sam kept trying to climb the stairs.

On Monday me and the boys worked from home. After the naps we went to town to run a few errands. We went to three different court houses, the post office and the bank. They really are little troopers when it comes to being dragged around.  At our last stop as we were walking through the halls of the Juvenile Courthouse Finn asked me "is it time to go home now?"  I said "yes."  Finn responded, "I think I will go home and dig for dinosaur fossils in the back yard."  As I was putting the boys in their carseats one of the workers ran out and asked if one of my children asked about digging up fossils in the back yard.  I nodded and said, "classic Finn."  She told that Finn tickled her so much that she had to come out and meet him. 

On Tuesday Finn had his second day of school. This time Gran took him and picked him up. He did great again. He really likes school. When I asked him if he would rather stay home with me or go to school he assured me that he would rather go to school. I am too relieved to be hurt by his comment :) After I picked him up from Gran's house that afternoon I took the boys to Target to buy the deluxe fan version off the new Josh Groban CD. The boys were really excited the entire time. Sam refused to sit down and I almost lost him to the concrete. Finn kept asking for everything he saw; ie, monster trucks, thermoses, eggs, Almond Milk. For some reason they were just really worked up.

On Wednesday, Finn learned to jump off of the couch onto his bean bag chair.  This wasn't a sissy jump, he jumped as far as he could landed spread eagle on the bean bag.

On Friday the boys stayed home with me again. Early in the morning we went to the courthouse in Lebanon to file some paperwork. While I was filling out a subpoena Sam sat with on of the clerks and Finn watched "monster truck" videos on the judge's secretary's phone. Finn was something else. He could name on the monster trucks on the video - Susan was quite impressed. He told the women all about this brother. When asked Sam's name Finn said, "well, his normal name is Samuel Hunt Begley." They got a kick out of this.

When we got home Sam took a nap and Finn played on my IPOD. The rest of the day was pretty predicable. Supper got a little big interesting. Michael and I decided to stand our ground against Finn at dinner. We vowed to make him sit at the table until he ate all of his taco soup. He tried everything he could think of to negotiate his way out, including telling us that he wanted to go to bed. In the end, Finn decided that sitting at the kitchen table was much less pleasant than my taco soup and ate the whole bowl.

After dinner Sam, Finn and I played upstairs in Finn's room. Finn decided that he wanted to play school. He packed my snack; peanut butter sandwich and string cheese. Then we walked me in to the playroom (Mrs. Wanda's school) and told me goodbye. He had the sweetest look on his face when he looked at me and said, "I know you want to stay with me, but I have to leave you at school. You will have a good day and I will come back to get you." Then he told me that he had to go to work "at court." I do not profess to know anything about child psychology, but I guess this is why child psychologist allow children to play in their office. You can learn so much about a child based on the way they play.

Sam watching Thomas.  This makes me want a bean bag chair that is "my size."



  1. Finn, Finn, Finn! What can I say, you are adorable and so precocious. What a mind you have!


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