My Little Helper

Monday was a State holiday so Michael was home all day. The boys had spent the night at Gran's house so Michael and I slept in until 9:00. After a waffle at the Waffle House we picked up the boys. They were exhausted from their sleepover so they went down for their naps quickly. While the boys slept I prepared for trial. Finn woke up from his nap and hopped into bed with me and played on the IPad while I finished up.

Around 3:00 Michael took the boys to the store while I ran and prepared dinner. Michael said it was the worst trip ever and that he will never take both boys anywhere together again. Since it was a fairly warm day (low 60s) Michael decided to cook fish on the grille for supper. Finn and Sam played outside in the yard while Michael cooked.

After supper it was bath time. Finn asked if he could take a bath in my bathtub. I put both boys in and let them play while I straightened up. It wasn't too long before I noticed Finn squeezing soap on to Sam. I asked Finn what he was doing and he said, "I am giving Sam a bath." I decided to step back and watch and watch this unfold. It was hilarious. Finn was so serious about giving Sam a bath. When ever he washed a body part Finn would be sure to tell Sam exactly what he was washing. I can't believe that I am saying this, but I didn't have to bathe Sam at all. Finn did a stellar job. And yes, I took pictures, lots of them.


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