Breakin' the Bank

On Friday the boys and I stayed home all day.  Upon getting out of bed Finn asked "are we staying home all day on this day?"  The phrase "on this day" is how Finn says "today."  I told him yes and he then asked if he could have pancakes for breakfast.  I made pancakes for both Finn and Sam.

After breakfast Finn came up to me and said "mom, I made something for you."  He handed me a glass full of diet coke.  I was impressed that Finn was able to get one of the glasses out of the cabinet and I was more impressed that he was able to pour an entire glass out of a two (2) liter bottle without spilling.  He was so excited that I decided I would take a drink before I told him that he is to never do that again.  Well, I took a big drink out of the glass expecting to taste diet wild cherry pepsi.  Instead, I got a mouthful of maple syrup.  It was awful.  It looked just like coke too.  The lesson - never eat or drink anything your children make for you without first making a preliminary inquiry.

The day was very nice.  Both boys were great.  Sam took a three hour nap and Finn helped me tidy up the upstairs.  While cleaning up Finn literally broke the bank.  He has a giraffe piggy bank that we put money in every time Finn sleeps through the night.  So as you can imagine there isn't a lot of money in the bank.  Well Finn decided that he wanted to play "money."  The rules are very simple: Finn asks "what do you want to buy mom?"  I will pick something out of his room and ask "how much."  To which Finn responds, "three hundred million dollars."  WHAT???  Finn is either seriously over-valuing his stuff or his he taking his old mom for a ride.  Michael gave Finn an old Hilton Honors card to serve as a check card.  In order to complete my purchase Finn swipes the card.    Back to the point . . . Finn decided he wanted to play "money" will real money.  In doing so he dropped his bank and broke it.  Finn was devastated.  Every time he looked at it he dug his head into my shoulder and cried harder.  It took about three hours before he we would let us throw it away.

On a side note Finn doesn't know about paper money.  To Finn money is either coins or a check card.


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