On Monday the boys spent the morning with Gran, Sharon and Uncle David. I had to be in court for both the morning docket and the afternoon docket. Here they are watching Super why and reading books before leaving for the day.
The morning docket ended around 11:00 so I bought a Lean Cuisine at Kroger and went to Gran's house to have lunch with the boys before returning for the afternoon docket. When I walked in the backdoor Finn took one look at me and said, "mom, why are you here? Go home." I didn't see much of Finn during lunch - he was having way to much fun hanging out in den with Uncle David. Sam, on the other hand, took one look at me and came running yelling "mommy!" Such a sweet little guy. Sam sat in his highchair and ate bologna and shredded cheese for lunch. Midway through the meal Sharon looked down and noticed that Sandy had a trail of shredded cheese along her back. We started watching Sam and discovered that every time Sandy walked by Sam purposefully dropped a piece of cheese on Sandy's back.
On Tuesday Gran took Finn to and from school. At 11:00 I got a call from Gran asking if I could meet them for lunch. Finn had asked Gran "if it would be fine" for me to have lunch with them. I am happy that Finn thought of me. I met them at O'Charleys. Finn ate whole cheeseburger and a chocolate milkshake. But Finn's favorite thing was the bread. He both loved to butter it and eat it. He even buttered me a bite.
After lunch Finn and I went to the post office. Right as I pulled in I got a call that I had been waiting on all day. Finn chooses that exact moment to start asking like a hellion. I made the only decision I could logically make at that moment; I jacked the A/C up in the car, hopped out and locked Finn in. I walked around to his side of the car, leaned up against his window and finished my phone conversation while Finn finished his tantrum in his carseat. I couldn't help but laugh because even though Finn was throwing a doozy of a fit, I couldn't hear him. I could only see him sitting there with his mouth wide open. I will admit that I got a few strange looks.
When we got home Finn took a nap on the couch while I worked a couple more hours upstairs in the office. He usually takes long naps on the couch.
The morning docket ended around 11:00 so I bought a Lean Cuisine at Kroger and went to Gran's house to have lunch with the boys before returning for the afternoon docket. When I walked in the backdoor Finn took one look at me and said, "mom, why are you here? Go home." I didn't see much of Finn during lunch - he was having way to much fun hanging out in den with Uncle David. Sam, on the other hand, took one look at me and came running yelling "mommy!" Such a sweet little guy. Sam sat in his highchair and ate bologna and shredded cheese for lunch. Midway through the meal Sharon looked down and noticed that Sandy had a trail of shredded cheese along her back. We started watching Sam and discovered that every time Sandy walked by Sam purposefully dropped a piece of cheese on Sandy's back.
On Tuesday Gran took Finn to and from school. At 11:00 I got a call from Gran asking if I could meet them for lunch. Finn had asked Gran "if it would be fine" for me to have lunch with them. I am happy that Finn thought of me. I met them at O'Charleys. Finn ate whole cheeseburger and a chocolate milkshake. But Finn's favorite thing was the bread. He both loved to butter it and eat it. He even buttered me a bite.
After lunch Finn and I went to the post office. Right as I pulled in I got a call that I had been waiting on all day. Finn chooses that exact moment to start asking like a hellion. I made the only decision I could logically make at that moment; I jacked the A/C up in the car, hopped out and locked Finn in. I walked around to his side of the car, leaned up against his window and finished my phone conversation while Finn finished his tantrum in his carseat. I couldn't help but laugh because even though Finn was throwing a doozy of a fit, I couldn't hear him. I could only see him sitting there with his mouth wide open. I will admit that I got a few strange looks.
When we got home Finn took a nap on the couch while I worked a couple more hours upstairs in the office. He usually takes long naps on the couch.
This picture was taken by Gran. Last week Gran, Uncle David, Aunt Sharon and Finn went to see the Croods. Then they had lunch together at Chili's. Finn idolizes Uncle David.

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