
Early on Friday morning I put the boys in the car and we headed out to serve a Complaint/Summons in White House.  I didn't realize until I got the boys in the car that it was almost freezing outside. Poor Finn was in shorts, a tee-shirt and flip-flops.  Finn got a blister earlier in the week and the only shoes that didn't hurt his foot was his flip flops.  When we arrived at our location I did my best to get the boys from the car into the building.  It was a fairly big parking lot and it took forever to actually get in the building.  I held Sam in one arm, threw my file under an arm and held Finn's hand with the other.  In my haste to get in out of the cold I rushed the boys as much as possible.  This meant that Finn's flip-flops shifted to the point where he couldn't walk in them.  After several failed attempts to fix them I finally told Finn to take his shoes off and run.  He did.  After a few steps he starts crying because the poured pebble side walk hurt his feet (I totally get that - it hurts mine too).  There were two employees watching from the warmth of the building.  I'm sure we looked ridiculous.  By the time we made it inside, I had dropped all of the contents out of the file.  Finn was sobbing and Sam had slid off of my hip and was hanging on by a thread.  Oh how I love being a "professional."


Next we went home, changed into warmer clothes and went to see Cooper and Em at Vanderbilt.  Cooper looked so cute sitting in his bed.  He was so still and well-behaved.  Finn was impressed by the white board hanging on the wall.  Finn wrote his name on the white board for Aunt Em.  I didn't know that Finn knew how to write his name.  When Em said he did it, I was skeptical.  When I saw it I laughed.  Before we left Finn sat next to Cooper's bed and ate Em's cookies and colored with Cooper.  On our way home Michael called.  I told him that Finn wrote his name (I was pretty excited). Ever so sadly Finn asked "mom, did you tell dad that I wrote it backwards?"  I felt awful.

Once we got home the boys took long naps.  They had only been up few minutes before Michael came home for the day.  The night was pretty easy.  Sam and I did a little shopping for the upcoming birthdays.  When I got home I made spaghetti for supper - upon Finn's request.   It is important to note that Finn did not eat a bite of spaghetti.  I wanted taco salad.  The only reason I made spaghetti was because Finn requested it.   Michael and I ate at the table while the boys played in Finn's castle.

On Saturday we met Brandon and Carissa at Drake's Creek park to eat grilled cheese sandwiches.  There was a specialty grilled cheese truck that was parked up at the park.

Sam was pretty mad at me because I wouldn't let him go over and play with the little dog at the next blanket over.  He made a break for it several times. 
Last week while I was getting ready for work I put a little bit of moose in Finn's hair.  This offended Finn to his very core.  Yesterday he looked at me and said, "mom, don't put moo in my hair."  


  1. I think that is the most precious, and best written name for a 3 year old I have ever seen! You're awesome Finn!

  2. Well my goodness! I wouldn't want someone to "MOO" my hair either! LOL.

  3. I mean seriously, couldn't someone have just ran out and helped you carry one of your kids inside. What is wrong with people. I totally feel your pain.


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