The Playground

Today we celebrated Michael's 32nd birthday.  The day started off with a little cuddling. 

At lunch time Michael and Finn had a Father/son lunch at the Firehouse.  Later that evening we went to Chef's Market for dinner and cake.  I had the Hummingbird cake and it was wonderful.  Since it was such a nice night we ate outside.  Finn had fruit and macaroni and cheese - although he barely ate a thing.  Sam cleaned up.  He sampled just about everything.  Sam is quite the generous eater - if he enjoys what he is eating he absolutely insists that you have a bite too.  He holds that dirty little hand out until you finally relent. Tonight I had a french fry that tasted like a pickle.  

After supper Finn and Sam ran up and down the sidewalk.

When we got home the boys played on their newly secured swing set. Dad came earlier in the day and put more of the playground together.  He also brought a swing for Sam.   

A wide shot of the new swing set - complete with a Route 44.  If we had a "crest" for our house - the Route 44 would be on it.

Both boys really had a good time swinging.  I think Sam would have swung all night if we had let him.  Finn had a good time with it too.  He didn't want anyone to push him though.  He was adamant that he could do it himself.

After swinging for a while I asked Finn to show me the rest of his swing set.  He climbed the rock wall. . . and then went down the slide.  While Finn thought the slide was great - I have a feeling his monster trucks and car will take more turns down the slide than anyone.

Both boys went to bed without a fuss tonight.  Sam is so sweet when he goes to bed.  After laying him down I give him his bunny.   Sam hugs it as tight as possible and says "bubby!"   So now we have "little blanket" and "bubby."


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