
Sam has some really neglectful parents.  When Finn was a baby we read to him all the time - whether he wanted it or not.  Sam, on the other hand, hasn't been quite as lucky.  No joke - prior to this week I bet we have read Sam maybe five (5) books in his life.  This past week Sam has ensured that his parents made it up to him.  Almost every night we have read the same four (4) books over and over again.  When he is ready to read Sam will bring a book and hold out and whine until we take it.  Once we have taken the book he gets really excited.  Once the "reading" starts he gets a really serious look on his face.  When I have finished the book Sam will take it from me, wait a beat, and then hand it back.  I will then ask him if he wants to read and he says in a very high pitched voice "yeah!" 

The other day I started quoting the book "How Do Dinosaurs Clean Their Rooms."  Sam's eyes grew as big as half dollars and he went scampering off to the other side of the den.  When he returned he had the "How Do Dinosaurs Clean Their Rooms" book in his hand.  Such a little smarty.  We sat and read for forty five (45) minutes.  

I am glad to see that our lack of concern for poor little Sam hasn't completely squashed his desire to read.


  1. Way to go Sam! You make sure your Mama and Daddy read to you. If they won't, you can come to my house and we'll read all day!


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