Easter Sunday

On Easter Sunday morning we got the boys up and put them in the bathtub - if you can't be clean on Easter Sunday when can you be clean?  Next we went downstairs to eat breakfast and look through their Easter baskets.  Finn got a "Metal Mulisha" monster truck, a parachuting bunny (to throw over Gran's balcony) and cupcake shaped marshmallows.  
Sam, was a bit harder to shop for.  Instead of buying him a new gift we decided just to buy him batteries for Finn's old music table - gosh we're good parents.  He too got some candy and a parachuting egg.  Sam spotted that table the minute we got downstairs and said "whoa."

Every Easter Sunday we go to Gran and Pa's church.  Here we have a picture of the boys before the service started. 
They didn't act much differently once service actually started.  Finn and Sam both spotted Uncle David as he came in and simultaneously tried to mark their territory.  He literally stood like this for ten (10) minutes.

Luckily, they both went to children's church we were able to listen to the message in piece, a.k.a. without clinched teeth.

As the service was ending, Ms. Kelsey brought all the children back into the service.  She announced that the children were going to sing a song.  They all lined up and started singing "Jesus Loves Me."  Finn stood a little off to himself on the end and didn't sing a lick.  He stood around smiled like a goober.  Every so often he would attempt to move his mouth - but when he made eye contact with us he stopped.  I wish so badly that I had a picture.  Even though he wasn't singing, he looked so precious standing up there with the other kids.  After they finished singing, Finn yelled "are we going to your house now Gran?!"  Before leaving the boys had a "mini" Easter egg hunt at church.

After leaving church we took the boys home for a nap.  Sam started his a little early.  Finn played with his bunny from church (it plays Jesus Love Me.)

 Finn thought it imperative that Sam play with his bunny too.
 We arrived at Gran and Pa's well rested at 2:00.  First the boys opened their Easter baskets.  They both received lots of really cute summer clothes.  Sam got some work trucks and Finn got monster trucks.  He was really excited about the "Mohawk Warrior."  Aunt Chelsea got Finn his favorite gift of the season - little sticky lizards.  She also gave them "Garfield" the movie and "Where the Wild Things Grow."

 Next we took group pictures.  I don't have a copy of the entire group - but I have requested a copy.

Then came dinner - Finn ate upstairs in the den with Michael and the boys.   Sam sat downstairs in the dining room with me and Gran.  
 Here we have Finn eating a piece of the "his" cake.  He helped me make this cake the night before.  I think he just ate the "peeps" off and left the only part of the cake that is good. 

Then we had the "egg hunt."  Sam participated this year. 

 Sam was so precious.  We showed him where the eggs were and picked them up and put them in his basket.

 Sam really didn't want any help hunting.  This meant that he fell down a lot - and got so dirty.

 We really had a nice time.  It was so great to have Pa home for Easter.


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