The Chewy's Disaster

On Friday we met Grandad and Gigi at Chewy's for dinner. The boys had spent the night with them at the Opryland hotel the night before. When I walked into the restaurant Sam spotted me and immediately started fussing. His fussing soon turned into crying - loud crying. This crying, fussing and all out fit throwing went on for the rest of the meal. Twice I had to take him away from the table and put him in timeout near the kitchen. Let me tell you that I got some strange looks from folks in the waiting area. I was glad that Sam was happy to see me, but I would rather him show me how much he missed me with hugs and kisses rather than with screams and fits when I try to put him down. Finn was happy to see us too. He tried to sit in my lap as well. Every so often he would scoot his chair closer to me until finally they touched. While Finn was generally better than Sam, Finn had his moments too. Once again Finn decided that he...