Back to the Grind

 On Wednesday morning we got up and packed up the car.   Our vacation was over and we said our teary goodbyes.  I had "not so secretly" dreaded the trip home since the moment we arrived.  Before we even left Destin Finn told us that he had to poop. We pulled into the gas station and I took Finn in.  While Finn was making his deposit a man (with his son) walked in on Finn (it was a one seater).  Finn looked so stunned.  After they closed the door, Finn looked at me with enormous eyes and asked why "that man came in."  I explained to Finn that I forgot to lock the door - FOUL! 

On our way out Finn spotted Cheetos so we bought a bag. The boys ate Cheetos for the first few minutes of the trip.  While I was checked out most of the trip (I read most of the way home), the general consensus was that the boys did pretty good.  Certainly much better than on the way there.

We stopped for our first lunch at Hardees.  The boys both had hamburgers. 

 I love catching Michael at his most charming :)
 After lunch we turned the movies on.  Finn watched "Cars 1."
 So did Sam
 Our next lunch was at Sonic. 
 Sam was in his diaper because he got his shorts dirty eating his hamburger at Hardees.
 Finn got a "hero" headband in his Wacky Pack.

Finn's super hero pose.

We got home around 6:00.  The boys played until bedtime and went to bed without a fight.  Other than running into a major storm in Birmingham, the trip home was pleasant. 


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