Meeting Bruce

On Monday Finn, Sam and I went to Sparta to visit with Bruce.  More on Bruce in a moment.

I told Finn we were going to Sparta and he got really excited - more excited than I thought was warranted given Finn's limited knowledge of Sparta.  He started to talk about the long car ride and started naming the movies he wanted to watch on the way.  This is not abnormal given that Sparta is long trip for a little boy.  Then he started talking about Alabama.  He said, "mom, it is a long way to Alabama, but once we get to Alabama we are close to Florida."  I quickly realized that Finn thought I was saying "Florida" instead of Sparta. (I pronounce the vowel sounds in Florida exactly like the vowel sounds in Sparta).  I explained to Finn that we were going to Sparta to visit Papa Bruce.  He looked confused, but he was still excited.

The trip down was pleasant.  Finn watched "The Land Before Time" while Sam looked over his shoulder.  Neither boy napped, but they were pleasantly quiet. 

Our first stop was to Papa and Granny's house for lunch.  I had packed lunches for the boys and we ate out on the screened in porch.  Nana, Emily, Cooper and Hank ate with us.  When we pulled into the driveway Finn asked me if we could play inside - he said that Papa and Granny have "good toys at their house." 

After lunch Finn played toys with Papa.  He spent much of the time trying to handcuff Papa with a big piece of plastic. Finn opted to play with Papa over his cousins. 

Sam just kind of wandered around and played with random toys.  Sam was pretty good as excepted.  Finn was as noisy as he possibly could be.  I am sure that Papa and Granny were exhausted after we left.

We just barely got these pictures.  Finn kept trying to run off. 

On our way out the door all the boys got kisses and hugs. 

Next it was time to go visit with Bruce.  We moved all four noisy boys from Granny and Papa's house to Laura and Johnny's house.  Bruce is so sweet and so easy going.  He is a joy to be around.  He let us all hold him and he didn't get too scared when the boys got really close to his face.  Near the end of the day Bruce fell asleep with Laura - I took the opportunity to snap a few pictures.

As sweet as the boys look in this picture - I assure you they were not.  Sam picked up everything that he could reach and Finn literally ran in circles around Laura's downstairs. Neither boys was particularly mean spirited - just keyed up. It was so nice getting to visit with Kara too.

When we got home Finn and I snuggled on the couch and watched "Lady and the Tramp" while Sam took a quick nap.  We had spaghetti for supper - both boys love spaghetti.  Later that evening we played upstairs at Finn's request.  He told me that we should play upstairs "because Sam doesn't struggle upstairs" a.k.a. he doesn't fuss as much.  I am constantly amazed at how much Finn talks like Michael. 


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