The Standoff

On Monday Nana came to keep the boys while I braved the courtroom.  While I was gone Nana painted, played and cooked supper.  She made crockpot chicken and dressing with corn and peas. On Monday night both boys loved their supper.  Tuesday was an entire different story.  When I warmed up the chicken Finn asked me if he liked it.  I told him yes and instructed him to eat.  He did not.  After 20 minutes of stalling Finn asked Michael to reheat his food so that he could he it.  Again, he did not.  20 minutes after that he asked me to reheat it.  I did.  Finn respondes, "I can't eat this because it has been in the microwave two times - it is not good now."  I once again instruct him to eat.  He takes one bite and then fakes throwing up.  He says, "my mouth just threw up."  I instruct him to eat.  He tells me that he is very tired and needs to go straight to bed.  I tell Finn that he can go straight to bed after he eats.  Finn pretends to fall asleep at the table.  I take his picture. 
Seeing that his first attempted failed, Finn starts to cry - uncontrollably.  He cries for 45 minutes - solid.  I ate calmly in front of him and instructed him to eat.  I few pictures of Finn's emotions. 

This all took place while MIchael was working out in the garage.  When he came in we changed shifts. I am not sure how, but Michael convinced Finn to eat.  He even told me that his food was good.  

One of Finn's favorite games to play is "JTs."  We just pretend that Finn is dropping me off for a fun day at JT's house.  He packs my lunch and kisses me goodbye at the door.  Today I decided to whimper a little bit when he "pretend" left.  He runs back over to me, cradles my head in his hands and says "oh sweetie - its gonna be okay."  So precious!  When I continue to hug him he says, "you have to let go of me - I am going to be really late for work."   After getting home from "pretend" JT's Finn "pretend" puts me to bed.  I asked him to hop in with me.  He says, " Oh sweetie - are you afraid? I am the mom now and don't worry, I won't leave you."  His little loving response almost makes me feel bad for leaving him alone at night. 

By the way, we love Sam too. 


  1. This makes my cooking sound really bad, but you and Michael did the right thing. Way to go Mom and Dad!


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