Day 3

Tuesday was the third full day of our vacation.  We went down to the beach around 9:00.  "On this day" (as Finn would say) Sam a bit more brave about getting in the water. 

Here we have Papa teaching Sam to throw sand.

Zac, Michael and Finn building the "biggest sand castle."

We went back up to the room around noon.  Seeing as how I was burnt I decided not to go back down to the pool after lunch.  Instead, Michael and I decided to go back to McGuire's for a date lunch.

When we got back all the boys were still napping so I decided to read. It took me about five minutes before I was napping too.

When Em and Zac got back from the pool the four of us went to dinner at Dewey Destins.  We sat out of the porch and I had fish chowder and cheese grits.

Meanwhile back at the condo, Nana and Papa were responsible for feeding, bathing and putting all four boys to bed. 

Here we have the boys "getting ready for bed." 
Even Sam joined in.
One of the best decisions of the week was bringing the blue ray player so that the boys could watch Net-Flix cartoons.  Finn watched a ton of "Godzilla" and "Pingu." 

Here they are watching Hank's choice - "Timmy Time."  The boys took turns picking what show to watch.


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