Day 2

Technically today started at 1:30 a.m.  I woke to find Finn lying directly on top of me.  He whispered "mom, where am I supposed to sleep?"  I got up and moved directly to the couch.  We were up for the day at 7:30.  Everyone was camped out in Nana and Papa's room watching cartoons.

After actually getting up Finn and Papa played "eye spy" on the balcony.

Next we had breakfast on the porch.  My camera was fogged over.

We made it out to the beach around 9:00.  Right about the time we got out, the "Buccaneer" sailed by.

Finn and Sam both had a really nice time on the beach.  Sam was much more comfortable this go around and immediately started playing the in the sand.

Finn decided that he wanted to build a big sand castle with a tunnel and a lake. I did my best, but apparently my best wasn't as awesome as digging holes with Papa.

 They were having so much fun that another little boy came over and dug too.

 Sam spent a lot of time at the surf. 

We spent a lot of time in the water jumping waves. Michael held Finn and Sam floated in his lobster float.  He really liked gliding over the waves in the float.  I am so glad I brought it.  Speaking, of I think I accidentally left it at the pool.  Oh no . . .
At noon we came in for lunch.  Me, Em and Zac went back down to the pool for a few more hours.  At 4:00ish we drove down to the harbor and walked around.  We were hoping to see the fishing boats come in.  We found one.  Finn thought these fish were great - smelly, but great.  He whispered to me, "mom, I smell something disgusting." He watched very intently as the fish were cut open and fileted.

 As we were walking we happened to see the "Buccaneer" docking.  Finn was excited to see the "pirate ship" up close.

 Next we went to McGuire's Irish Pub for dinner.  It was great!  The food was awesome and the boys were well behaved. 

 I had the peanut butter burger . . .
Finn had a corn dog . . .
Sam ate whatever he could get his hands on.  He ate hamburgers and peanut butter and french fries and crackers and bread and ".18 cent bean soup."  Here is he eating a raw union whole. On our way out we found Sam crawling on the floor grabbing and eating food as he went.  We grabbed him and headed for the door.  He started making a terrible coughing noise and for a split second I thought he was choking.  I checked and didn't see anything so we moved on.  Sam still kept coughing and hacking and making a terrible ruckus.  Michael noticed that Sam had something clutched in his fist.  When I pried his hand open I saw that Sam was holding jalapeno pepper - that explained it.

Before heading back to the room we took Finn to ride go-carts.  While Michael was buying the tickets Finn drove the Bat Mobile and Sam drove the tractor.

Finn was so funny driving the go-cart.  He had the most serious look on his face the entire time.  I guess he was concentrating really hard.

 Before leaving we let Sam ride the swings.  Finn rode with him.  Sam seemed to like it.  He smiled a laughed a little.  But it was obvious that he was far more interested in watching the little boy behind him.


  1. Love, Love, Love the picture of every one in Leah and Greg's bed. Now that is a grand way to start your day!


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