
This weekend started out pretty lousy, but turned out to be a lot of fun.  On Friday Gigi came to keep the boys while I was in court (the "unfun" part of the weekend).  I learned that while driving to get some lunch Finn broke my sunglasses.  At first Finn told Gigi that it was "on purpose" but then changed his story to "it was an accident."  But as Finn often does he had an idea of how to fix it.  Instead of telling me about the sunglasses he wanted to go to Wal-Mart to buy me another pair so that I wouldn't find out.  Gigi did not let him get a way with it.  

Finn in Daddy's shirt

Later that night we went to Gran's house to eat Supper with Uncle James who was in for the weekend. Sam ate a cupcake and then went straight to the bathtub - it was everywhere. FInn played in the den with Gran's toys.  He also told me that he liked playing with Randy (Randy Whitehouse).

On Saturday Finn helped me to get Sam out of bed.  He walked into the room and asked "where is Sam's music?"  I explained to Finn that Sam doesn't sleep with music.  Finn said, "mom he needs music - that is why he doesn't sleep too good."  This coming from Finn who gets up at least two times every night.  I think that Finn may need to pull the plank out of his eye.  And by the way, Sam is the best sleeper of all time.

The boys and I were up by 7:00.  By 8:00 they were in the little swimming pool in their underwear and diaper.  Michael was mortified. 

Sam loves timeout because he gets to play with his favorite things - shoes.  Sam is obsessed with shoes, any shoe. 
Finn modeling his new Ninja Turtle's shirt.

 The eating apples and watching Happy Feet on TV.

By 11:00 Sam was practically begging for a nap.  He went and found his puppy and laid on top of him. 
After naps we went over to swim in Gran's neighbor's pool.  Finn practices his kicking (and did really well).  I let Sam bobble a little and try to roll over on his back - he hated it .

As we were getting out for the night I hear Finn start coughing and crying.  Michael was holding him and telling him it was okay.  Apparently Finn had walked off into the deep end and could not surface.  I was out of the pool chasing Sam around and missed the whole thing.  Michael grabbed him.  While Finn was only under water for a few seconds it was definitely a wake up call on how fragile life truly is.  He didn't hear and thing and Michael had only turned his back for a few seconds.   When he came he asked while crying, "did I sink."  We made him stay in the pool a while longer - just to make sure he didn't leave terrified of the water. 

On Sunday both boys ate pancakes and then we went to church.  I left the service just a few minutes early and went to peek in on Finn in "Tree Hollow" (praise and worship for preschoolers). When I looked in a saw they were singing "Wiggle-Freeze."  This is a very self explanatory song.  I excepted to see Finn standing stiff as a board in the back.  Well, Finn was front and center wiggling for all he was worth.  When they said "freeze" he would freeze in the form of a T-Rex.  It was so sweet to see him interact with the other kids.  He was clearly enjoying this song.

Later in the day Finn and Sam went to the Zoo with Gran while Michael and I went to see Star Trek.  When we got home Finn pulled out the IPad and turned on some music.  He then proceeds to do his "ninja moves."  Nothing makes me happier that watching Finn do his own version of karate moves to Adele (Fire to the Reign). It was so awesome :)


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