Happy Trails 2013

Today we left for San Destin. Within ten minutes Finn had already asked if we were there yet.  Sam was excited as we Started out. I pulled the video camera out for the purpose of capturing the boys before they became road weary. I asked Sam where we were going and he said "beach." 
It is 10:14 and we just entered Alabama. Finn missed the spaceship on the side of the road altogether. Currently we are playing "find a barn."  It is an easy game-Finn and I take turns pointing out barns on the side of the road.  Playing on the interstate is very boring.

Sam and his noisy puppy.  He really likes stuffed animals - he kisses all over them.
Before leaving the driveway I turned Scooby Doo on. Finn sat and watched quietly for half an hour. Then the got restless ad started making inquiries and informing us of all his ailments:

1.  Are we close
2. How much longer
3. I want to watch a different movie
4. I don't need to potty - immediately followed by I need to go potty.
5. Why (to everything)
6. My feet are cold
7. My tummy hurts
8. My seat makes my back hurt
9. My whole body hurts
10. Mommy and daddy can I ask you a question (immediately followed by a complaint).

Sam made quite a few statements too. When he spotted my drink he said over and over "peeeease."

10:42. We just stopped for a potty break. Finn pick out some snack wells and Sam ate some fruit loops out of a coffee cup.

2:02. We stop for lunch at McDonalds. I am always amazed at how awful their food is. We ordered a hamburger for the boys. I have found confirmation that Finn is not our son - he ate a hamburger with onions on it.  He looked up at us with an onion on his cheek. Michael and I almost threw up. After our awful stop at McDonalds Michael and I went to Hardee's for a hamburger.

After lunch Finn napped.  Unfortunately Sam got fussy and nothing but my Sonic drink would appease him.

We made it to the Condo around 5:00 and unpacked.  The room is great!  We are right across the street from the Front Porch restaurant.  We went for supper at Firehouse.  Then we went down to the beach to let the boys walk in the water.  Finn and Nana played chicken - whoever ran furthest into the ocean won.  Finn lost every time.  The funny thing is he thought we won because he got back to the starting point first.

This was Sam's first step on the beach this year.  He was really apprehensive.  He didn't want to put his feet in the sand.  When we made him - he cried.  He finally warmed up to it when he realized that he could grab the sand and run it through his fingers.  It was a really sweet moment.


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