Finn's digestive track/first doctor's appointment

Today was Finn's first doctor's appointment. This was also our first trip to town as a family. To celebrate, we decided to stop at the Sonic for some Route 44 drinks. Consequently, we were almost late to Finn's appointment. Great parents, huh.

While in the waiting room at the doctor's office, Michael and I noticed a very odd smell coming from Finn's direction. To our suprise and delight, Finn had a very "healthy" sized bowel movement (we had been worried about him because he did not appear very "regular"). Not only was this BM very "healthy" in size, it also migrated half way up Finn's back. While we were a little nauseated, we were so proud!

As expected, Finn did not really enjoy his check up. We have come to the conclusion that Finn is a very modest baby and does not appreciate his clothes being removed. The first thing they told us upon going into the examination room was to strip Finn down to his diaper. Needless to say, Finn squalled the entire time.

At this appointment we learned that Finn is very healthy!

Later that evening we decided to give Finn a bath. Michael stripped Finn down to his bare skin and waited for me to prepare the bath. It was at this exact moment that Finn decided to give an "encore" performance. Michael was covered - and to make matters worse, he stepped in it as well. He kinda freaked out a little. I found the whole thing to be hilarious.

After his bath, we settled in for a long night of feeding. It was a really good day.


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