First trip to Walmart - well sorta

Today Finn and I woke up around 9:00 and had some Finn and Mama time. We ate, we watched Reba (Finn's favorite morning sitcom) and then we went and woke up Daddy. Later on in the day the three of us went to Wal-Mart. This was Finn's first trip to Wal-Mart, kind of. While I was in Wal-Mart getting a new memory card for my camera, Finn and Michael went next door to the Sonic to get happy hour drinks and cheese sticks - fancy!

For the time being Finn loves his carseat - he goes to sleep the minute we put him in it.

When we got back I realized that I had bought the wrong memory card. I made two more trips to Wal-Mart in order to get the correct card. Finn did not accompany me on the subsequent trips. Instead, he stayed home with Michael and played WarCraft.

Later that day Mimi (Michael's grandmother) came and brought Finn's rocker. It is so cute! She used the fabric that is in his room to cover the chair. It is a great rocker - we tried it out last night around 3:00 am.

After dinner, Michael, Finn and I watched a movie (Ghosts of Girlfriends Past). It was pretty good. Finn was absolutely perfect! He did not cry or fuss through the entire movie.


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