One week!

Today at 4:44 p.m. Finn officially turned one week old. His poor mother had a good cry when she realized this fact. Finn really isn't any bigger than he was when he left the hospital and he certainly hasn't changed very much, but the week went so fast.

Today, after our morning feeding and changing, Finn decided that he would wear his "baller" shorts that Nana gave him. They were entirely too big on him, but he looked adorable. He especially looked cute up next to his daddy who was dressed strikingly similiarly. Okay, I admit it, I made Michael put on his red "baller" shorts so that I could take a picture. But they do look awfully cute together.

As for Finn's day - he spent much of the day sound asleep on his Mama. I didn't get much done, but I so enjoyed my time with him. We also put Finn in his baby Bjorn. Luckily, he loved it! He curled up and went right to sleep. We also had a few visitors tonight. Darren, Sharon and Jacob came by to bring us dinner. Then the three of us sat down and watched the office together.

I also made an amazing discovery this evening. I learned that my camera will take a few minutes of video. I have had this camera for two years and I am just now figuring this out. Point being, I am going to try to post short video clips of Finn.


  1. Congratulations Erin! You not only have a new baby but you figured out your camera! Keep those videos coming! Mom/Nana

  2. Erin, I love the blog! I have so much fun already watching Coop grow and I am so excited that I get to see Finn now too. He is so adorable. Tell him not to get too big before Christmas when I get to see him. :) Love you all! Kara


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