The Flip (Sept. 28, 2009)

Today we got up and went for a walk through the neighborhood. Today was a really nice, cool day, so I was really excited to see how Finn would respond to being outside. The minute our feet hit the pavement Finn was sound asleep. He slept really well in the stroller - I accidentally went off road a few times and it didn't phase him.

When we got back from our walk, we took the "its a boy" sign out of the yard. I didn't want that silly sign in the first place, but I was kind of sorry to see it go.

After that we waited for the repair man to come and fix our disposal. Once the repair man came we learned that our disposal wasn't broken after all. The problem all centered around the fact that we (probably I) had dropped a screw down there. It ended up costing us $70 dollars all because we don't have a flashlight.

Next we went to Best Buy to purchase a Flip camcorder. This was Finn's first time inside a store. Usually, he gets to sit in the car while one of us goes inside. Once we got to the store we strapped him in the baby carrier and covered him with a blanket. True to form, he slept most of the time.
I really enjoy the camera - it is tiny and wonderful! I have taken quite a bit of video of Finn so far. But, of course, I am never able to film the really cute stuff in time.

One highlight of the day was that I figured out how to use my "pump" which means I was able to bottle Finn for the first time. He did great! I don't plan on doing it very often, but it is sort of a relief to know that he will take one.

Around 8:00 Brandon, Carissa and Addison came to visit Finn. To top the night off, Michael made chocolate chip cookies and we watched the season premier of Dexter. Afterwards Finn and I fell asleep on the couch. We woke up around 1:00 and I was hoping we could go on up to bed - wrong! Finn was wide awake and in the mood to eat. He ate on and off for approximately and hour and a half. I love that little guy, but I was miserable after the first hour. He however, seemed very amused with himself. He is so cute.


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