Our good buddies the Apedailes (Sept. 26, 2009)

Today was our first Saturday at home - but no cartoons just yet. Finn woke up around 10:00 and we had breakfast. I had cereal and Finn had "milk". After breakfast we scooted around the house for a few hours and then we went to the Apedaile's to drop off food for Sunday School. On our way, me and Michael practiced the song we are going to sing for Chase and Lindsay's wedding. Finn is too little to give us his honest opinion, but if he could, he would tell us we have a lot of practice ahead of us.

Once we got the Apedaile's Finn and his good buddy J.T. (John Thomas) met for the first time. J.T. behaved beautifully - just like a little gentlemen. Finn was less than impressed. He basically started fussing the minute we walked in the house - figures. After visiting for a few minutes Finn started to cry. It was at this point that I realized that I didn't properly pack the diaper bag. We had no changing pad, no milk "to go" and I packed the wrong sized diaper. Poor Finn was wearing a diaper that was bigger than we was. But he handled the whole thing like a champ. The minute we got him in the car, he was out.

We got home at around 4:00ish and we were off to the races. We had a hundred things to do before Dad and Gina came for dinner. Finn and I both needed a shower (we both went to town lookin like a greasy mess), the house needed to be cleaned up and Finn was starving. In order to get everything done, we multitasked. I power fed Finn, Michael bathed Finn and some how or the other we got it all done.

When dad got here we ordered pizza, ate cake, and watched some of the Florida game. After they left the three of us vegged for a couple of hours and then we went to bed.

(I tried to post a 3 minute video - but it wouldn't load).


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