Mama's day out/Baby Moses

Well today was very busy for Finn - he slept and he ate - and that's about all. I think he sleeps about 20 hours a day. It is amazing that he is able to sleep at night. Since Finn sleeps so well during the day Michael suggested that I take a few minutes to myself and get out of the house. For my two hours of free time, I chose to go to Babies-R-Us for diaper rash cream and Vaseline. Not exactly the most exciting destination, but I had a ball shopping for baby stuff. When I got home Finn was sound asleep in his swing - go figure.
Being a young parent, you don't know exactly what you will need for your baby - case in point - "something for Finn to sleep in dowstairs." After carrying Finn's bassinet upstairs, we learned that it is impractical to carry it up and down the stairs everyday. So, instead of spending money we decided to improvise. We found a large basket, stuffed a pillow inside, covered it with a blanket and ta-da . . . a baby bed. We joke about the Moses correlation.

Since Finn is still very young he doesn't do anything to particularly exciting. I think that everything he does is exciting, but not really anything you want to blog about. So stay tuned . . .


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