Missing Daddy

Today was Michael's first day back to work. Finn and I woke up with him in order to see him off. After Michael left, Finn and I started our morning routine which entails feeding Finn, pumping for later, eating breakfast, and listening to Reba while straigthening up.

Today was also my first day to workout since Finn arrived. Since it would be irresponsible of me to leave him home alone, Finn had to come along. I got him all bundled up, strapped him in the carrier and we went for a brisk walk. When we got back I decided to shower. Finn squalled the entire time I was in the shower. Every so often I would run into the bedroom to see if he was okay and he would immediately stop crying - arrgghh. Finn was not happy in his bassinet so I put him in our bed and put pillows all around him. While I was drying my hair I noticed that Kodiak seemed a little too interested in Finn. When I walked over to them I noticed that Kodiak was playing with Finn's feet. Finn didn't seem phased, but I still had to lock Kodiak out of the room. The last thing I want to have to explain to Finn's pediatrician is that our cat bit our kid.

I also realized today that by 10:00 in the morning we were totally our of diapers. I knew we were low, but I though our stock would holder over a little longer. So, after I got ready Finn and I went to the store to get diapers. This was my first time to drive (alone) with Finn. I was a little edgy the entire time. When we got back from the store I decided to try out being a temporary stay at home mom - translation, I cleaned.

We were pretty excited to see Michael when he got home. We both missed him pretty badly.


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