Bear Hugs

Within the last few weeks Finn has become the sweetest little boy. He is no longer selfish with his hugs and tell us he loves us all the time. This morning I put Finn's polar bear shirt on him, he took one look at it and said, "I love it." He will also ask me to "love" his blanket. This means that I am to hold the blanket up to my cheek.

This has been an eventful work week for me meaning that Finn's blog has been neglected. In an attempt to remember a few things, I am randomly writing things down.

Last Sunday Finn went to play basketball with Daddy. I was on a home visit so Michael had to take Finn to the gym for a few minutes. When I got there Finn was having so much fun. He would run around the gym with Micheal and would try to get on the court. When it was time for us to leave Finn was devastated. I decided that it would be okay for us to hangout a few more minutes and play. The only problem was when Michael actually started playing Finn would try to run onto the court and he would cry. I guess the thought that something awful was happening to his daddy.

Later in the week while Michael was turning on the lights off in preparation for bed, he turned around and saw Finn standing in the kitchen. I guess he had got out of bed and made it all the way downstairs without making a peep.

On Thursday Finn spent the evening with Gran while Michael and I went to see Wicked for my birthday. We met Mom and Mrs. Cyndi at TPAC. It was wonderful!

On Friday Regina and Micah came over for some breakfast and some play time. Before they got there Finn and I snuggled up on the couch and watched VeggieTales and sang. Finn did a pretty good job of playing and sharing for the first hour and half of the visit. The last thirty minutes he was pretty fussy. Later that evening we met Gran at Qdoba's for dinner and then Finn went back to Gran's house to play for a few hours.


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