Hand Holding

Today (Friday) I had a few cases set so Finn spent the day at JT's house. I had to be in Nashville at 7:00 to meet with a client's psychologist. I had to leave the house at 6:00 which meant I needed to be up at 4:45. Around 5:30 I was standing with my back to the door digging through my panty hose drawer. Out of nowhere I hear "hi mommy" in a very loud and excited voice. I jumped a mile; he scared me to death.

After picking Finn up from JT's house we met Daddy at the Streets for dinner at Qdobas. Then we went took Finn down to the breezeway to let him run. Finn thinks the breezeway is a tunnel. Next we went to Barnes and Noble to play with the train set. After about an hour a five year old little boy came over to play too. Finn was inordinately pleasant and sweet to this little boy. He shared, spoke and played with him. When it was time for Finn to leave I asked him to give the Spencer train to Rhett (little boy) and he did. I couldn't believe it.

When we got back outside it was dark. I told Finn that we could either hold hands or he I could carry him back to the car. He immediately clasped his hands together in front of him, held them up to show me and looked very pleased that he had found the loop hole.

On the way home Finn started singing "Little Engines." About a measure in Finn stopped cold and said "Finn sing too loud." He seemed to have scared himself. Michael had reported this behavior earlier in the week - but I still got a big kick out of it.

When we got home I let Finn play with his Mickey Mouse stickers. He ended up decorating my laptop and my file. Luckily the client of the file he defaced is a five (5) year old girl - she'll get big kick out of it.


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