Ghouls at Grassmere
Friday Finn, Michael and I met Gran, Kim, Katie and Jake at the Nashville Zoo for the Halloween event. Finn was pretty keyed up the whole night. He took to jumping for some reason. He would just jump up and down in one place over and over while saying "look mommy." He is really starting to take on the characteristics that are synonymous with being a two year old.
Our first stop was to the Meer cat lair. All of the animals had been put away for the event, but there was one lone Meer car out and about. This is Katie, Finn and Gran looking at the Meer cat. Katie and her new brother Jake are the children that Gran keeps during the day (Kim is their mother).

All over the Zoo there were little scary huts set up where people in costume would give candy to kids. I think I ate most of Finn's.

This is the best picture I could get of Finn while on the hayride. Pretty rough. The hay ride was really fun and not too scary. Finn was more impressed with the fact he was riding on a tractor than he was with the decorations. About halfway through the ride Finn decided that he wanted off. I told him that he was welcome to get off, but that he would leave him. He opted to stay on the ride.
Next we rode the carousal. While we were waiting in line Finn told me over and over that he wanted to ride on the lion. When we got on the ride the couple in front of us ran straight for lion. Looks like somebody poached our idea. Finn settle for the wolf right next to Katie's lion.

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