Sunday Finn took a two (2) hour nap in his toddler bed - yay! After he woke up he was greeted by Gran and Pa who had come by to watch the Titan's game. Soon after GiGi came to spend two (2) nights with us. Right after GiGi got there we took a long walk around and then played with the sidewalk chalk. That night was the first time that Finn slept all night in his toddler bed. He didn't sleep through the night - every few hours he would call for me over the monitor - but he didn't get out of the bed.
The next day Finn and Gigi went to the library and then went to look at Thomas trains at Walmart. After I got home from a long day at work Gigi and Finn had prepared dinner. After dinner Finn and daddy went to Gran an Pa's house to say goodbye to Pa. When he got home he sat with us on the couch and then went to bed.
This are pictures from Finn's trip to Grandad and Gigi's house.

The next day Finn and Gigi went to the library and then went to look at Thomas trains at Walmart. After I got home from a long day at work Gigi and Finn had prepared dinner. After dinner Finn and daddy went to Gran an Pa's house to say goodbye to Pa. When he got home he sat with us on the couch and then went to bed.
This are pictures from Finn's trip to Grandad and Gigi's house.
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