Two Year Appointment

Finn had a big day on Thursday. He started the day at daddy's office while I went to the OB to check on Sam - passed my gestational diabetes test with flying colors. Later in the day Finn went to the pediatrician's office for his two year appointment. We learned that Finn is doing great except for one small thing - he has gained a little bit more weight this year than he should have. They like for kids between their first and second birthday to gain about 4 pounds. Finn gained 7.5. We were told that we can start with skim milk, that we should switch to lowfat peanut butter and that we should nix the nighttime raisins. She has always given us great advise so I trust her judgment. I felt like such a bad mother sitting there listening - I wanted to cry. I have always struggled with weight issues and I don't want Finn to do the same.

At the end of the appointment Finn got a finger prick to check his lead levels and then he got flu shot - he screamed his guts out. He also cried when they weight him - not sure why. As for Finn's measurements - he weighs 34 pounds (95%). I don't exactly remember his height but he was in the 88th percentile.

In between my doctor's appointment and Finn's doctor's appointment we came home for nap. Before his nap Finn helped me unload the dishwasher. He does a great job unloading - he is very careful and extremely enthusiastic. Unfortunately he doesn't really care about where he puts things. Most of the silverware ends up on the top of the stove.

Next he helped me clean out Sam's closet. Finn has completely accepted the fact that his "old room" is now "Sam's room." The only thing that he still holds onto is his crib. He will walk over to it, give it pat and say "Finn's old bed." If you ask him which bed he likes best we will say "Finn likes old bed." He says it with such sadness that I feel sorry for him.

While I was going through the closet Finn went through Sam's toys. He stumbled across a stuffed dog with an antler (the one from "The Grinch.") He took one look at it and chucked it across the room as far as he could. Then he ran over and hugged me. I asked him what was wrong and he said "dog scared Finn." I tried to get him to see it again but he refused - he is absolutely terrified of that dog. He wouldn't even walk by the room if the door was open for fear of seeing it.

Around bedtime I gave Finn "mini-trash." Finn has never liked stuffed animals, but warmed up to mini-trash pretty quickly.


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