"Kir Plunk"
Late Saturday night Michael heard a loud thump from upstairs and then heard a scream from Finn. Finn had fallen out of his toddler bed for the first time. I was sound asleep in bed and heard about it the next day. Even though he screamed pretty loud he went back to sleep pretty quickly.
Sunday after church we met James, Brandon, Carissa, Addison and Ella for lunch Chili's. Finn didn't eat a whole lot and instead opted to dunk french fries in his water cup. After we got home I took Finn upstairs to bed for his nap. He asked about his Uncle James who was watching football downstairs with Daddy. I told him that he could see Uncle James when he woke up. That seemed to appease him enough to allow him to drift off to sleep. When he woke up he went downstairs to see that Uncle James was nowhere to be found. He kept asking me "where James." I pointed to his James train and said "he right there Finn." Over and over he would ask. It finally hit me that he was talking about Uncle James. I told that James had gone home and he whined a good bit.
After Finn's bath we put on his "Cooper shirt." He loves his Cooper shirt - he was very proud of it.

Sunday after church we met James, Brandon, Carissa, Addison and Ella for lunch Chili's. Finn didn't eat a whole lot and instead opted to dunk french fries in his water cup. After we got home I took Finn upstairs to bed for his nap. He asked about his Uncle James who was watching football downstairs with Daddy. I told him that he could see Uncle James when he woke up. That seemed to appease him enough to allow him to drift off to sleep. When he woke up he went downstairs to see that Uncle James was nowhere to be found. He kept asking me "where James." I pointed to his James train and said "he right there Finn." Over and over he would ask. It finally hit me that he was talking about Uncle James. I told that James had gone home and he whined a good bit.
After Finn's bath we put on his "Cooper shirt." He loves his Cooper shirt - he was very proud of it.
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