Mall Rat

Today I woke up at 8:30, refreshed a ready to start a day of cleaning. Finn and Daddy were still at Gran and Pa's house for the overnight campout. After breakfast I got a wonderful phone call - a very sweet nurse in Gallatin wants to adopt Kodiak. We are meeting tomorrow to make the exchange. I am very happy that I found him a home, but it is little bittersweet. Everytime I start to feel sad about it though I think about how much energy I will save by not sneezing a thousand times a day.

When Michael and Finn got home Finn immediately started playing with his trains. After his nap Finn and I made a trip to the mall to return some curtains. Finn seemed to want to explore so I let him walk around. He walked right over the Christmas trees and started pointing to the "Cars" and "Mickey" ornaments. He wanted to hold them so badly, but didn't fuss when I told him just to look. Then he turned around and saw the neon lights of the Food Court. He looked and me and said "pretty." He took my hand and said "mama, this way." He walked me toward the Food Court. He was distracted a few times by the remote control cars in the aisles, but made it to the Food Court without picking one up. Once we reached the Food Court Finn saw the big cookie place. I bought him three (3) mini cookies and we walked the mall eating cookies. He was so sweet - he would hold my hand with one hand and eat with the other. When he had finished his cookies we went back to the car.

I don't know why the mall seems so much more fun in the fall - but then again everything is more fun in the fall.

Later on in the evening Finn made me dinner in his kitchen and then we read almost every book on his bookshelf. He would bring me a book, lay on his stomach on his bear rug and listen. He loves to read.

Then he went downstairs and colored at the kitchen table while Michael studied the Sunday School lesson. We noticed that Finn was coloring on the table - luckily crayon comes off.

It was really a very nice day.


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