All Good Things . . .

Well, its Friday and VBS has come to an end - a truth that Cooper and Finn must come to accept.  Nana is clearly thrilled - just kidding.  Thank you Nana for taking on the mountainous task of two rambunctious little boys for a whole week. 

Right about this time mom called me from VBS.  Finn decided that he wanted to talk.  He was very excited about something, but I couldn't quite understand what he was saying.  Mom told me that he was sitting on the table eating a push-up.

After VSB mom, Emily, Cooper, Hank and Finn met me and Sam in Murfreesboro for lunch. I was so excited to see Finn. I had visions of him running to me, giving me a great big hug and telling me how much he missed me.  Instead, the minute he saw me shrunk down next to mom and looked very shy.  After I got sat down I asked him to come over and give me a hug.  He willing complied.  I guess once he hugged me all of his emotions came rushing up and jumped into my lap and hugged me for a long time.  Then ever few minutes he would look at me and say "I missed you mom" followed by "I love you mom."  I was truly a wonderful homecoming.

On the way home Finn didn't sleep a wink.  Instead, he told me what he did with Nana and Papa.  He even admitted to throwing a bag of marshmallows into the swimming pool (a factoid which mom confirmed to be true).  Finn also made his best attempt to sing me a song he learned in VBS.  When we got back to the house Finn reacquainted himself with his toys.  Next rested on the couch while we waited for Michael to get home from work. Once home, Michael fired up the grill and we patted out hamburgers.  Greg, Shelley and their two girls arrived a little while later to join us for supper. Finn showed little to no interest in anything but his own toys.  He was very quiet all night and mostly played by himself. I think we was just exhausted from a fun week.  Thank you Nana for giving up your week to take Finn to VBS.


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