VBS with Nana

This week Finn and Cooper have been going to VBS with Nana.  Nana volunteered to work in the preschool area so that Finn and Cooper could attend.  I know it has been a tiring but fun week.  Here are few pictures.

This is Day 1 of VBS.  

 I learned that Finn was a little timid on the first day.  He wanted to spend most of his time with Nana.
 As always, Finn does enjoy a good project and working with water.

 I have no idea what he is doing here!

Day 2 started with Finn and Cooper watching Cars.
 The Pre-VBS shot
 Finn did much better on Day 2

 Doing artwork with Coop.

 The highlight of the day - the sink.  Mom said he loved the sink because he had access to the soap and an unlimited amount of water.

 Music time.


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