Finn Gets a Phone Call

Today around 5:30 my cell phone rang.  I saw it was mom and picked up.  Instead of regaling me of tales of her Summer she asked to speak to Finn.  So Finn and Nana had a conversation about Finn's day.  Finn is get pretty good at talking on the phone - a skill that will no doubt come in handy when he is a teenager.

On the way home from JT's today Finn asked me if he could watch "Bolt."  I told him that he could watch it for a few minutes before bed.  Finn, immediately started his very loud, fake crying.  In response I turned the radio way up and let him get it out of his system.  He wailed until we pulled into the driveway.   When I turned the car off and all was quiet Finn said, very seriously, "mom, you hurt my feelings." 

When we got inside we ate dinner.  I prepared chicken tenderloin, asparagus and sweet potatoes.  Finn thought that the chicken was a piece of fish and asked for a piece.  I gave it to him hoping that he would take a bite of what he thought was fish and decide that he liked chicken.  But alas, he wasn't fooled.  It took one bite, furrowed his brow and asked "is this chicken . . . "  He promptly put the chicken back on my plate.

Next he went outside and helped Daddy water the plants.  We are in the middle of drought and it was 105 degrees today.

Sam is getting better at sitting up.  He can't really balance yet, but he can put his hands on the floor and sit up for a few minutes at a time.


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